Egyptian Football
3/14/2012 3:09:33 PM
Football association calls on Egypt's first post-Mubarak parliament to consider Port Said victims 'martyrs' of last year's January 25 Revolution
3/7/2012 7:10:55 PM
The author sees the revolution as a long process that requires major political responses - but has been met with a political vacuum
Talents Abroad
2/22/2012 3:52:01 PM
Egyptian striker Mohamed Zidan makes controversial comments about former president Hosni Mubarak during TV interview
Arts & Culture
Stage & Street
2/19/2012 2:08:00 PM
Artellewa Gallery is a form of revolution in itself since it opened 4 years before Egypt's revolt in a less fortunate neighbourhood, offering interactive exhibitions like the current one: Displaced
Folk Arts
2/18/2012 4:03:09 PM
'As Simple as That' (Bebesata Keda), tells stories of ten passive and active Egyptians during the 18-day uprising in 2011 that led to the ouster of 30 years of Mubarak rule
Arts & Culture
2/14/2012 9:27:00 PM
American musician Tao Seeger speaks to Ahram Online on music and its important role in revolutions over the course of history, following his performance on the night of the Egyptian Revolution's first anniversary last month
1/27/2012 2:25:23 PM
An updated photo album of Tahrir Square as protesters en masse keep coming in to take part in the 'Friday of Dignity'
1/25/2012 3:16:19 PM
1/25/2012 3:13:00 PM
25 January: Revolution continues
1/25/2012 12:17:23 PM
The main stage in front of Hardee's has collapsed during the ongoing mass demos in Tahrir Square
1/24/2012 9:43:50 PM
The first day of regular business in the People’s Assembly was eventful from demands for greater compensation for the victims of the revolution to calls for Mubarak’s execution in Tahrir Square
1/24/2012 8:22:35 PM
Nearly a year ago, the Muslim Brotherhood was politically restricted by the former regime; El-Katatni one of the group’s leaders is parliamentary speaker
1/24/2012 2:43:11 PM
Washington and the Muslim Brotherhood are now talking to each other, but how much will this help promote democracy in post-revolution Egypt?
25 January: Revolution continues
1/23/2012 6:35:18 PM
Over the course of the first year of the January 25 revolution, some public squares have become symbols of revolution, while others have come to represent support for regime
Egyptian Football
1/21/2012 7:11:56 PM
The first Cairo derby of the season rescheduled as a consequence of postponed 16th round of league matches, the Egyptian Football Association (EFA) announces on Saturday
1/21/2012 6:44:38 PM
Minister of Planning Fayza Abul-Naga adds that peaceful protest is a right of all citizens
1/21/2012 3:07:30 PM
On the eve of the first anniversary of Egypt's revolution, army officers sentenced to prison for demonstrating against the military regime start a hunger strike until the ruling SCAF steps down
25 January: Revolution continues
1/20/2012 5:55:00 PM
Last year's Tahrir Square uprising came as a surprise to many, but activists say it was at least 10 years in the making
1/18/2012 5:10:11 PM
Human rights group forces government to treat protesters injured during Egypt's 2011 uprising the same as injured policemen, granting them increased pensions
Arts & Culture
Stage & Street
1/18/2012 2:27:39 PM
A performance art project in New Orleans, USA, on 25 January will use different forms of art and place the revolution in a global arena of struggle