In early 2024, the Middle East seemed to have reached a low point, particularly concerning the Arab World.
Despite the Security Council's deadlock, UN Secretary-General António Guterres has persistently and urgently called for a ceasefire in Gaza, visiting the Rafah crossing twice to shed light on the situation and issue warnings.
The Middle East is today a cacophony of conflicts, and an amphitheater for human carnage.
If the 2024 presidential race is between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, the political landscape is poised for a heated and closely followed campaign.
Given the viciousness and bloodshed of recent events in Gaza, incremental stop-gap measures will not suffice to resolve the current crisis.
The passing away of former US National Security Advisor and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, on 29 November 2023, marked the end of a life filled with academic, diplomatic, and eventful endeavors.
Just over a year ago, analysts and think tanks were confidently churning out projections on international affairs in 2023.
The 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) commences in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) amid highly challenging international political circumstances, exacerbated by the events in Ukraine, European-Russian tensions, and the competitive dynamics between American and Chinese influences over the contemporary international order.
In light of the ongoing bloodshed and the tense Gaza standoff, it is imperative that an audacious attempt be made to completely resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.