Amira Noshokaty's Articles

At the premises of the Cairo Opera House, the walls were adorned with marvellous architectural gems

Established in 1966, the factory had preserved one of Egypt’s most authentic practice of intangible heritage

El-Hadra are famous for taking Sufi zikr from mosques to theatre stages

Focusing on Al-Khalifa District in Sayeda Zeinab, Al-Hattaba district down by the citadel, and Al-Imam Al-Shafii district, Al-Ibrashy’s participatory conservation initiative puts all community stake holders in one proper sentence

In her book, Riham Arram publishes rare documents that tell what life was like during the khedival period

Ahram Online launches a series of articles on Egyptian minds that deciphered the intangible heritage of ancient Egypt

'The idea of sewing two different types of fabrics, especially on leather, is found in ancient Egypt as well in other countries or regions like India, South America, and even the Ottoman Empire'

'We created the Heliopolis heritage tour in collaboration with the Classic Cruisers Initiative to tour zone A heritage sites in Heliopolis,' explained Shoukry Asmar

Awad has a keen eye for details and an infatuation with the ancient Egyptian style of painting, managing to highlight the connection between the contemporary people of Luxor and their counterparts

Rain over Nubia, launched in August 2019, was first performed as part of the American University in Cairo’s online concert series last month

This edition of Cairo Photo Week (March 11-20) came with many happy surprises, one is the re-opening of Rawabet art space, and the other is bringing Gaza to the heart of Cairo

As Egypt celebrates her women, Ahram Online shed the light on some successful models and the men behind them

The exhibition, held at Bayt Yakan, showcased women’s traditional attire across Egypt

A born community leader and educator, Gamila Sabry remains an inspiring figure of women's empowerment in Egypt

While Egypt yet strives for women's right to proper education, let alone higher education, Ahram Online celebrates the woman behind the founding of Cairo University

In 2015, Egypt bid farewell to one of her dearest social activists and women's rights poineers, Aziza Hussein

In the early 20th century, Egypt's women had a prominent place in publications, pioneering women's issues and rights in print

In 1892, when the world was still debating women's rights, Egyptian women's voice was loud, clear, and quite popular it seems

At the premises of Fustat Traditional Crafts Centre, in the heart of old Cairo, the sound of pounding hammers on copper fills the air

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