A proposal for a joint ruling military council made up of dissident military officers and officers loyal to the regime is winning widespread support in Syria
Who was the intended recipient of new US President Joe Biden’s first military operation in the Middle East?
The Syrian regime is rumoured to be secretly negotiating with Israel in a bid to help it stay in power
There are few reasons to hope for an end to the Syrian conflict in 2021, but in the absence of a lasting political solution there can be no winners or losers
What changes can be expected in US policy on the Syrian conflict in the wake of the election of US President-elect Joe Biden?
Reports of Syrian mercenaries being sent to Nagorno-Karabakh and Libya by Turkey have raised questions about the country becoming a reservoir of fighters-for-hire
A recent interview with the Russian media by Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad implied that there would be no change in regime policies or its attitude to a new constitution
The tightening of US sanctions on Syria under the Caesar Act has led to additional suffering throughout the country compounded by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic
The Beirut blast may allow Syria a respite from international pressures, but in the long run it will add to the country’s woes
Syria’s Kurds are closing ranks after years of differences on their position in northeastern Syria, with uncertain consequences for the country as a whole, writes Bassel Oudat in Damascus
The US Caesar Act is likely to tighten the noose as never before around the Syrian regime, writes Bassel Oudat in Damascus
Russia has raised the diplomatic level of its relations with Syria in a move that could have wide implications in the country’s reconstruction phase, writes Bassel Oudat in Damascus
Cracks have emerged in the Syrian ruling family in an unprecedented public quarrel about financial power and influence, writes Bassel Oudat in Damascus
Israel carried out air strikes on villages close to the Syrian capital Damascus earlier this week, raising questions about its true targets, writes Bassel Oudat in Damascus
The spread of the coronavirus could have a potentially devastating impact on Syria’s already fragile economy, writes Bassel Oudat in Damascus
The threat of an outbreak of Covid-19 in Syria has forced a truce between the warring parties in the country
The spread of Covid-19 is another point of contention between the Syrian regime and opposition amid both parties’ denial of any cases in Syria
Turkey has been recruiting and training Syrian fighters to support its military intervention in Libya
Tensions have been increasing between Russian and Turkish forces in north west Syria, increasing the pressure for a meeting between the Russian and Turkish presidents, writes Bassel Oudat in Damascus
As the war of words continues between Moscow and Ankara on the situation in north west Syria, regime forces supported by Russia have continued their attacks on Turkish soldiers in the region