Hany Ghoraba's Articles

The Turkish regime has been attempting to capitalise on the death of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi to gather acceptance for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s own tyrannical rule

The Scottish desire for independence from the rest of the United Kingdom has never wavered, and it is likely to be boosted by British moves to leave the European Union

On the occasion of this year’s World Animal Day, it is time more people in Egypt stood up for the rights of animals

What might be the purpose of the proposed Middle East Strategic Alliance bringing together Egypt, the US, Jordan and the Gulf states

The fight for control of the Eastern Mediterranean’s oil and gas resources could be the catalyst for further conflict in the region

The sentences of Muslim Brotherhood leaders in the Rabaa trial have been systematically misrepresented in the Western media

Chinese President Xi Jinping announced a $60 billion pledge to develop Africa at the seventh Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in Beijing this month, striking nerves in Western circles

European governments must stop their support for the Tehran regime if they are serious about curbing Iranian threats in the region

Since the establishment of the Turkish Republic in 1923, the country has seldom seen darker days than under the rule of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Reality has kicked in with increasing calls for a second referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union

The communist policies of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro have slashed the country’s economy in half, creating the biggest economic meltdown in its history

Defusing Egypt’s ticking population bomb is the key to a much brighter future for all Egyptians

The brighter side of immigration was shown during this year’s football World Cup, and it must be learned from by all responsible governments

NATO members would be wrong to resist US President Donald Trump’s demands for increased defence expenditure

In the wake of a string of fixed election results in Turkey, the country’s opposition must organise to force President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to step down from power

It is time to learn the lessons of this year’s football World Cup after the elimination of the Egyptian team

The 30 June Revolution was a defining moment that not only impacted the Egyptian nation, but also the region and the wider world

Turkey’s ambition to join the European Union has been made immeasurably more complicated by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Islamist and neo-Ottoman rhetoric

A recent report on Sinai by Human Rights Watch has once again drawn attention to the shoddy methods employed by this US-based NGO

US President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the nuclear deal with Iran has led to a breakdown in US-European relations

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