The holy month of Ramadan offers an intensive training period for the human soul that creates better and more charitable persons
Some parties still insist on a unified list to cover up their inability to present a sophisticated model of political or social action
On appearance, the balance of power in the region is about to suddenly shift in favour of Iran. But Saudi Arabia has made gains behind the scenes, particularly in Yemen and Syria, at Tehran's expense
Finally, Arabs are taking action to save Yemen from Iranian encroachment
Egyptian military action in Libya could provoke negative repercussions internationally
The deteriorating security situation in Libya represents a major challenge for Egypt. The writer looks at what Egypt can or should do to safeguard its borders
Nader Bakkar looks at who gained and lost from the recent war in the Gaza Strip
Nader Bakkar assesses the extent to which Israel's goals in its latest Gaza war were met, concluding that none were
The state should support preachers so they devote their lives to spreading the message of Islam — one best understood through Sharia
The situation of the Islamist current has witnessed dramatic shifts since 30 June
Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi needs to provide the people with a clear strategy for his four-year presidential term
The repeat of mass execution orders in Minya has exploded every effort to find balance in Egypt, driving the people to compare the result to the failure to reach convictions for the killing of the January revolution's martyrs
Since 30 June, the US has faced an escalating crisis in its strategic relation with Egypt. A lack of trust in key parties involved in the country’s transition caused confusion towards Egypt and its coming presidential elections
The verdict of capital punishment levelled at hundreds in the Al-Minya case does not follow the Egyptian judiciary's established customs
Harsh punishment is not the right tool for eradicating the phenomenon of declaring Muslims as unbelievers (Takfir)
It is likely that the sweeping public enthusiasm behind Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi will not last long, here in Egypt and in the Gulf, where support for the army chief's presidential bid has already begun to wane
A no vote could lead to further chaos for the country
The articles touching on sharia in Egypt’s constitution are the subject of bitter dispute, now that the new draft is nearing completion
A dictator never says that he is someone who oppresses freedoms, kills his opponents and abuses human rights. They all, regardless of time or place, speak about state security and maintaining order