Ahram Online gets the story from the antiquities ministry: Hawass appeals criminal court decision, which deposes him as antiquities minister for brouhaha over rental of museum bookstore
Promising better benefits for staff of his new ministry, antiquities chief Zahi Hawass says hard work will pay dividends
Hawass calls on the Egyptian people to continue handing in any of the still missing pieces, while plans are underway to establish greater security at the museum
Amongst the returned objects is one from Tutankhamun's collection
The Egyptian museum is open today and is not permanently closed, as was published in some media after violent clashes in nearby Tahrir Square
With all of the newness of Egypt's revolution, the antiquities ministry gets a reshuffle, including a new complaints department
Minister of Antiquities Zahi Hawass will put on a touring exhibition representing the Egyptian revolution in an effort to revive tourism
Artefacts in a storehouse in the American University in Cairo’s campus were never open to the public - and now those possibilities are no more after 145 authentic pieces were stolen
Renowned Egyptologist, Zahi Hawass, tells Ahram Online of his reappointment as Egypt's minister of antiquities and prioritises the repelling of encroachments on archaeological sites a well as the resumption of projects
Egypt PM Essam Sharaf is to officially inaugurate the Hanging Church in time for Coptic Easter ceremonies after 13 years of restorations to the building
Precious artifacts stolen from Tel El-Dabaa collection in Sharkiya
Former Egyptian Minister of Antiquities, Hawass, calls on military and PM to defend antiquities, describing locals’ encroachment on ancient tombs that UNESCO was appalled by in last week's visit
With the antiquities field at a dangerous halt in Egypt an official letter was sent to PM Sharaf calling for an immediate appointment of a leader
Five more artefacts looted from the collection from the Egyptian Museum have been recovered
A collection of 800 priceless artefacts is reported missing from the Qantara-East warehouse, which was subject to looting on 29 January
The UNESCO delegation visiting Egypt after some looting of archaeological sites reports positively from the Egyptian Museum
A UNESCO delegate is set to visit Egypt to help recuperate looted ancient artefacts post-revolution, but there is no Egyptian antiquities minister, and to boot the delegate faces scepticism of 'antiquities colonisation'
Gang leader hides ancient Egyptian statues stolen last night prompting antiquities administration to speak to Ahram Online about the critical need to replace the ex-antiquities minister
Sixteen of 54 missing artefacts from the Egyptian Museum were found yesterday, with arrests made
The final result of two inventories carried out at Tel El-Faraein storehouse in the Delta and the Egyptian museum in Tahrir Square, reveal the exact number of objects missing from both sites