Nevine El-Aref's Articles

Following recent looting attempts on several archaeological sites, a UNESCO delegation is to tour Egypt to check the status of its world heritage stock

The director of the Egyptian museum is asking for the return of the land of the formerly ruling National Democratic Party’s main headquarters to its original owner, the museum

Zahi Hawass, the former minister of state for antiquities affairs rejects all accusations against him and asserts that they are unfounded

Signed by international and Egyptian archaeologists and Egyptologists, a petition sent to Prime Minister Essam Sharaf aims to underscore the importance of saving Egypt’s heritage

After protests by archaeologists, the ministry for antiquities is no longer under the jurisdiction of the culture ministry but rather that of the cabinet

Demonstrations of Egyptian archaeologists call for Egypt's new prime minister to persuade Zahi Hawass to remain minister for antiquities

The antiquities collection at the Qantara East storehouse has been transported to the Cairo Museum after thefts

The Ministry of Antiquities has issued a detailed and alarming report on the widespread looting and vandalism of archaeological sites and museums during the last month

An armed gang has attacked two antiquities storage units on the Giza plateau, snatching an undetermined number of artefacts

Archaeologists succeeded in thwarting a looting attempt of a 160-ton colossus of the 19th dynasty king Ramses II

An unexpected meeting at the ministry of state for antiquities affairs melts the ice between its minister and protesters, who have been picketing its building in recent days

Zahi Hawass has requested all the charges made against him in a recent newspaper article be investigated

Following three weeks of closure the archaeological sites around Egypt are open to the public again

The limestone statue of the monotheistic king Akhnaten, was found beside a trash can at Tahrir square by a young man, then return to the Egyptian Museum by his uncle, an AUC professor

A part of a missing New Kingdom statue depicting goddess Nakrit carrying king Tutankhamun was found hidden inside the museum

The heart-shaped amulet of Tutankhamun’s grandfather, as well as his ushabti figurine were found at the back of the museum today

A comprehensive inventory to examine the Egyptian museum’s collection after the break-in during Egypt’s uprising reveals eight artifacts are missing

Wave of industrial action and protests consuming Egypt reaches ministerial doors

The priceless artifacts, damaged during the foiled looting attempt at the Egyptian museum, will be back on display early next week

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