Saleh Naami 's Articles

An investigative report on Israeli television reveals that Israel was prepared two years ago to take unilateral action on Iran's alleged nuclear weapons programme

The prisoner exchange deal capped developments pushing Hamas in Gaza towards reconciliation with Fatah and integration - with consequences - into the wider Arab order

The Israeli army’s Home Front Command warns that all major Israeli cities will be in reach of Arab rockets in a prospective military confrontation with Arab states

Major EU member states are in agreement on the initiative, but Prime Minister Netanyahu is not expected to budge

Israel mounts increasing campaign to thwart Palestinian attempts for state recognition by the UN General Assembly in September

Movement's leader tells Ahram Online that Hamas' opposition to Fatah's candidate as leader of the upcoming unity government is final

Abbas is calling Fatah members back to the Gaza strip, but uncertainties loom for those returning

Former Israeli prime ministers attacked for their roles in the mass killing and persecution of Palestinians in 1948

Palestinian officials oppose the prospective move by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to seek UN recognition of a Palestinian state for fear of the damage it would do to US ties

Israeli army is preparing for an underground 'war of the future' to be waged against Hamas and Hezbollah, say media reports

A severe shortage of medical supplies in Gaza threatens the lives of thousands of patients

Fatah wants Salam Fayyad to head the new unity government in exchange for other key ministries to be led by Hamas. Leaders hope to avoid US and EU opposition with the Fayyad pick

Palestinian officials reveal that President Mahmoud Abbas has received assurances from 140 nations that they will vote in favour of recognising the state of Palestine at September's UN General Assembly meeting

Israel fears for its borders if Palestinian youth continue to attack

With Palestinians growing increasingly despairing of the failure of Egypt's new government to keep the Rafah border with Gaza open, they are opening up new channels to exert pressure

Airstrikes against Iran’s supposed nuclear facilities might be Israel's newest powerplay, says ex-Mossad director – a move that an Israeli daily says just deflects attention from the possible recognition of a Palestinian state

The slow passage of travellers across the border is attributed to limited capacity rather than reported international pressure on the Egyptian government

Despite Egyptian promises of opening its border with Gaza permanently, Rafah Crossing is seeing new restrictions put in place

The director of the Palestinian Businessmen Association says their aim is to enhance economic relations with Egypt and make Egyptian businessmen interested in investing in Gaza

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