The histories of revolutions are full of examples of sudden shifts of the masses when they find out that those they relied upon disappointed them
Alliances and interest groups that rule Egypt did not change much after 30 June
The Egyptian revolution has paved the way for a democracy based on liberation from economic exploitation, political repression and ideological hegemony
Political forces and the media search for power brokers and behind-the-scenes manoeuvres, forgetting that the masses in the street are deciding their own history
The forces that called for Egypt's 25 January Revolution and the 30 June revolt are by no means homogenous. But do successful revolutions require homogenous revolutionaries?
The fundamental interests that controlled the economy during the Mubarak era have not changed. They prevented Mubarak from making much-needed health sector reforms and today they stop Morsi from taking these measures
When built, the Suez Canal contributed to transforming desert into an economic hub. But capitalist-imperialist schemes prevented Egypt from benefiting from the infrastructure it created
The followers of Thatcherism in Egypt are still in control of the economy and politics, blocking all post-revolution attempts at reform and social balance, at least for now
Egypt is descending deeper into the trap of borrowing and repaying debt. This trap is not only an economic one, but also a political one, with consequences for Egyptian national sovereignty
The 'national plan' that the government is promoting is an austerity plan funded and sponsored by the IMF. It aims to make the poor poorer and the top one percent richer
Egypt's political forces await foreign investment with bated breath. The assumption that such investment will kick-start the economy, however, is built on myth and lies
Egypt exports strawberries and grapes, but imports wheat and beans. There can never be social justice until the country produces enough wheat and without a revolution in Egypt’s agricultural policies to serve small-scale farmers
Corruption will not be defeated until the depth of the former regime is exposed and the pillars of a new anti-corruption legal system built
Ordinary people created the revolution and remain its defenders, the street their only venue as politicians betray and abandon their aspirations
Clashes over concrete walls in downtown Cairo should not be surprising as they symbolise, and are mechanisms of, state oppression
Developing the Egyptian railway system is related to building equality, development and social justice not just safety
In 2004, the Muslim Brotherhood parliament bloc described the QIZ agreement as a 'serious threat to national security', today, the government appointed by a Brotherhood president, wants to expand the economic deal with Israel
An IMF loan is the easy way out for Egypt's economic and political elites, but one that will betray the principles of the revolution
While president Morsi's campaign calls on citizens to do the state's job, citizen campaigns are calling on the state to fulfil its responsibilities, from housing to water, electricity and garbage collection
Recent polls show most Egyptians share the demands of Egypt's striking workers for job creation and better wages. Yet Egypt's so-called 'democratic elite' has done little to bring about real reform